Navratri ke Rang

Happy Navratri guys!

Hows the Navratri going on?

Some of you must be fasting and some of you must be eager to hit the garba floor.

I am neither fasting nor I hit the garba floor.

Also many of us look for colors of clothes to wear as per days of Navratri.
Do you too wait for those forwarded messages on WhatsApp and Facebook?

I just try and follow the colors of the Navratri Day whenever I can or feel like.

The colors as per day of Navratri are as under:

Day 1: Yellow
Day 2: Green
Day 3: Grey
Day 4: Orange
Day 5: White
Day 6: Red
Day 7: Royal Blue
Day 8: Pink
Day 9: Purple

When you travel by train or you visit a Navratri pandal, its great pleasure to see so many of them in same color dress code.

This time I thought let me do something so that I need wait for the forward messages to know colors of 9 days of Navratri, hence I thought of writing up on the blog.

I have arranged my collage pic in such away that all colors of Navratri are as per day of Navratri. Summary of such collage pic will be always helpful to refer every year.

PicsArt: Color Replace 

Did you feel I have same design Kurti in all 8 colors?

Haha!!! No, not really. I have only one Kurti and that too in Pink color.

I have used PicsArt app to change color shades of my Kurti using Color Replace filter in the app.
I really found this feature interesting. Unfortunately couldn’t edit for White color but since White is a center pic, its good to see it different from all other pics.

Also did you notice my bindi color also changed as per my Kurti color ;)

So hopefully this shall help us all upcoming years to remember colors of Navratri and may be some of you can try PicsArt App too.

Happy Dassera People!


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